Ok. Frankly speaking I don't have 'true friend' in my class. Of course i had friends. but the thing is i like to choose friend...byk my friends yg pergunakan aku...especially dlm akademik...kalo ad science week ke ape ke program ape ke mesti tarik aku dulu sbb nk gunakan ak...urgh!i hate her!!!!!!!!!and now i think i chose the best choice by staying away from her. pernah once i shriked at know it was blurted out of my mouth but i proud what did i do course i did the rightio thing
Aku suka kawan yg x gelabah...SENTAP
Aku suka kawan yg x push aku
Aku suka kawan yg kawan aku without reason mcm cinta...nk cinta org x de sbb.samala mcm smayang...kalo nak smayang ad sbb...ngapa cinta bley plk x de sbb.CERAMAH...
byk lagi lorh...
But the most important is someone yg boleh understand me yg mmg hilang skru since i was born.
Now baru aku appreciate my ol'die friend. sangat-sangat. rasa nak nangis je. blog je la tempat aku nak ngadu. saddie now..
On a contrary (Dumbledore's language) MY MOMMIE JUST BOUGHT HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE yesterday...i stopped my reading at page 200 something...and going to continue my halt reading..nggeee
bye...warm afney...
p/s:and if kalo ad kwn yg x selesa dgn kwn baru ke skola ke just spill okay...yg rasa sng and x know kids feel easy when they are talking to friend yg umo sama.some children feel warmy talking to their friends rather than their mom or sibling. and lagi-lagi bagus if you r on the same boat.
hahahahahahaha...TERENCATT PUNYA AFNEY.gaya masalah negara je...
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