Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ai izzzz *sweat*


I checked my USBF results,

And T.T

I got 4a's.

Syukur-syukur-syukur x de C

but still,



and I got b for english =,=

result paling teruk dalam kehidupan saya

Till then

p/s ngantuk! nak tidur. demam. x gi sekolah. baru makan ubat.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cemana laa


Cemana la atheist boleh wujud? I mean, othak mane othak?

I believe, if everyone use their brain and sit at a corner in dark (okay sit at the corner in dark tu terlebih sikit and sangatlah dramatic) and ponder bout the things around them.

Where and when did the nature 'grow'? and WHO made it?

If the ask themselves and think bout it, I think they should -at least- come to a conclusion, that there IS God.

Maybe the people around them that make them being an atheist. maybe. and bout the condition around them. maybe.

We can't really blame them. Cause well basically they don't know how to use the brain...hahaha

Kay Im a bit far bout this. I know I shouldn't criticise them or sumfink, just well don't know, what a cow they are cause they have brain but don't use it well.

who made all these wonderful things?

Some people say we can't see love
But we can feel it
We can relate it with God also
I don't see God, yet
But I can feel Him :)



Wednesday, March 14, 2012



I was eating at a mamak restaurant with my mom. When I was on my way paying the bill at the counter, I suddenly notice my ex-schoolmates. A boy. Before I notice him, I made this ugly and kinky thing in front the mirror.


I hope he didn't see me at that time.

I was thunderstrucked! well mainly cause, I didn't expect to see any of my ex-schoolmates there (although I discreetly sometimes wish that I can bump any -YES ANY- of my ex-schoolmates.).

oh cow. My teenage life is over.

He will be running to all of my long lost ex-schoolmates and tell them how ugly and fat I was. And they'll be laughing at me. And I will be banned from any reunions. And-and-and-and


I worry too much.



Ok. Just sod it

Tuesday, March 13, 2012



I, HEREBY, ...

*drum rolls*

I've read all Shopaholic collection



Friday, March 9, 2012

If Mum Understands


If my mom understands what I have to struggle right now. Being a prefect and a phasing teenager. Sometimes she just don't understand what I'm having right now.

Like I tell bout my duties to her. And she, who was a former prefect, said that 'Is it too hard to handle them. I mean, when I was a prefect, the students respect the prefects. They never cross us. They will read books during morning assembly.' Thanks mom for the concern, and all that.


now is wayy too different than the oldie time when she was a prefect. That oldie time, being a prefect is like a piece of cake. Students had changed.

And there was this I talked bout a stalker (my friends and I named her bias), and stare at us like rapist. And always bothers us. And she said 'Apa susah, slow talk jela dengan dia'

Oh sod it, she'll never understand somehow.

And another one is bout students yang selalu call boiprennnnnn (mainly indians, BUT look I'm not a racist or something, but it's a fact!) by using the public phone at school. Our school public phones are just tad different than the public phones out there. Like, they have limits of using it. They need to be charged if the batt had died out. And the only way to use the phone again is when a man who will charge the phone come on the next morning (I guess, I mean I'd never saw that man or something, but oh well come one of course the is someone who will be charging it.) And when they talk to their boipreeen, they talked for minutes! Like I don't know exactly how long. But well, they are the main reason why we can't call our parents during urgent times. Aku pon bengang jugak because I'd face the same situation. When I need to call my mom then -tadahhh- no battery!

And I talked to my mom bout that and she made a dead pan face, saying 'Tu pon x boleh handle ke, buat la blablablabla' Her ideas is wayy to old for the solution. hhahaahaha

Public phone di sekolah saya tidaklah segrand ini

But Im very grateful somehow. I mean, at least she cares although she couldn't understand. And sometimes she just, came out with hilarious ideas like the previous post I said that my mom gave and idea like 'throw books infront of princy's door and scream at her, and say 'don't even bother to give the books back to me' (She said it in a funny way). Although the idea is crazy, but it somehow made me laugh.



Thursday, March 8, 2012

1 tahun je


Cikgu : Tak pela untuk tahun ni je kamu korban masa, tenaga, duit etc etc. Nanti kamu dah dapat 8a keluar le. 1 tahun je. Sabar je.

Yeah, aku pon selalu cakap benda tu dekat diri aku. Im trying to be optimistic. But the more I think bout it, the more I think bout it negatively. And I know semua orang penat. Banyak budak sekolah aku yang lain baru 2-4 minggu sekolah dah merungut.

-Banyak homework

Yeah. I've been coping it. But now, I just can't stand it.

What's with the cocos, stayback and all that.

And out of the blue, time exam week la pengetua tercinta kata nak check all of our homework during the 1 week holiday. Apa lagi, memang merana la jawabnya. Aku x buat homework semua tu awal-awal because I planned to do it during holiday. So I can have a more relax and easy-peasy life during taking my exam.

Antara homeworknya termasuk :
- salin 10 essay bm
- modul migguan sejarah yang ada bout 15 pages
- nota sejarah bab 2
- maths. semua kejadah buku maths yang ada kena hantar
- geo modul sampai bab 12
- science - sebaik sikit je
- kh. modul. latihan mingguan. nota
- ag. kerja tertunggak (sebaik ai x de youu)

Okay if x de exam okay lagi. Tapi masalahnya semua menatang tu kena siapkan time exam week. And we only get 1 day notice. harini notice esok or lusa kena hantar. and DENGAN KOKO NYA LAGI. 3 days in a row.

Even masa aku punya tidur pon terjejas. Like aku balik makan mandi solat and pukul 6 tu dah rasa mengantuk. Sedar x sedar pukul 12 baru bangun =,= then bangun je siapkan homework. Like seriously when we are suppose to study? We were even in dilemma. I mean what should we sacrifice? our exam result or the ruddy homework?

I know we shouldn't procrastinate doing out homework, but she should at least give a one week's notice. or even before the exam week. Besides I already had planned to finish it during the holidays.

My mom even say like this : Go and take all of your excercises and note books, bundle it in a tight rope. And dump or kick or toss it in front of her room. Even better if you scream, 'nah amik! nak sangat! amik! amik! just keep it in your ruddy room and don't ever bother to give it to me'. Like seriously, AS IF she has the time to check all of the book. I mean, there are about 4000 girls in that school. And not only one subject that have to be submitted, but 8 bay-bee! haha. (Except, there's this tiny-teeny thing in my heart say that, she'll manage to finish checking it all, cause well she practically don't have to do anything during the holiday. She don't has hubby or children to take care off)

Oh sod it. She's a complete cow. We can't object her. She'll throw a fit.

She has the ounce of right to do whatever at the school. But she also has to remember that she should be considerate (even sometimes)

That's it


Sunday, March 4, 2012

U cuba laaa


Have you performed any before dawn prayer?

It just occured to my mind . When I wanted to pray Isya at 3.30 am (that was because I slept at 8.00 pm and was very tired and woke early to pray) . I remembered what ustz Mariam had say on that day. That they can easily get a ticket to heaven. That people who had done it can face death in peace.

Im afraid of death of course. Everyone does. (but that doesn't mean Im a 'dunya' type).

I had done it before with my sister. But I'd never feel in such a peace and calm before. When I was in prostration, I can feel layers of gossamer, metal and etc etc with 100% protection from Allah and angels at that time surrounded my body. and yes, I can feel Him. and you will feel a very greatest satisfaction that you would never gain in your whole life.

It's undesribeable. You cuba laaa hahaha.

Now I want to do it at least once in a week. :)

And Allah will ask if we ever do before dawn prayer before after death (even once), at least I can say 'I did'.

credit to : Inche Google


Till then,