Saturday, July 31, 2010

Exam and my duty

Hey guys!

Exam's coming...


I'll sit for my UFBF(Ujian Selaras Berfokus)tomorrow...havent study anything yet.bahha.ok.ok.tonight i'll study...but im not-not very care about my UFBF result.tapi kesah la sikit.x kan nak result masuk bawah tanah sampai kerak bumi.malu~

and bout my duty...susah..kadang-kadang rasa nak menangis.;'(buwekk...emo

tambah-tambah dgn form 2.tapi kdg2 boleh buli sket kawan aku...haha...masa tu kuku kawan ak panjang then aku bajet je nak keluarkan buku tulis nama die but i took my nail clipper out of my pocket then gave it to her...well she seem relieved.haha

and i saw a girl pakai stoking ber-kaler-kaler.

then i stopped her.then i ask her.

'nak nengok stoking'

then die angkat kain...mesti r tanye dulu kalo salah malu...buwek

the die cakap 'semalam ada pengawas lain dah tulis'

then i said to her

'wow for real?and u still wearing this stoking.but sorry i've got to write ur name'*den translate*bahha.ei ingat kitorang tulis nama suka-suki je ker...mesti r nak bagi murid change..:P

while i was scribbing her name she said to her friend 'ei...kecoh semalam dah tulis dah.stoking jerrr'

i turned to her and i said to her

'seriously,havent you read the rule book?have you?it's written in that book.well i can show you now.and if you are not satisfied with this rule,so you can change to another school..and i assure you there's no other school that you can wear stripes stoking'*without translation i mean i spoke bi to her*

then she stared at me without blinking...amaze ke cik kak?aku baru cakap bi je tak ber-slang-slang.kalau aku slang mase aku selalu main dgn kakak aku baru ko kelu...ngahahaha.but i'll not use that slang in my school except to my mom ahah.

and you know what...every prefects or trainee prefects must have a note book(untuk tulis nama murid yang x kenal disiplin.),a rule book,a pen and a nail clipper in our pocket..

dekat sekolah saya memang garang...haha.nak sentap sikit budak-budak yang jadi musuh aku masa dekat sekolah rendah.but the priority is to change the students' attitude.

bahha...and good luck for my exam~



Wednesday, July 28, 2010


If you read my last can see that im PP

so...i started my duty today...kenakalan budak-budak Allah...hanye Allah je yang tau..haha

Dah la kena jaga budak form 2...kalo tego pon macam mencurah airke daun keladi.:P.haha

tapi memang annoying la.

aku dengar ada budak buli PP semalam...semalam pon aku x datang en.

den dengo je...

masa assemlby pon kena jaga budak form 2.masa balik pon sama je.

okay...aku boleh je manage datang kol 12...egegege..




Tuesday, July 27, 2010



Its been a while since i havent update my sorry...ah i think of course u dont care...who would read my blog neway...

oh...neway...straight to the point...

Saya jadi pengawas pelatih...and the most thing i always ponder and wonder and think *haha* why would the teacher chose me in the first place?Why dont she chose someone who better than me..i mean dari segi disiplin...

of course everyday i come late to school...about 12.40 something like that.and there are a lot my name in prefects' book...haha...
so it takes a very-very great effort for me to go early to school.bout 12...-ya Allah berilah hamba-Mu yang kerdil ini kekuatan untuk datang awal ke sekolah dan Engkau berikanlah aku sahsiah peribadi yang tidak ternilai dan seorang PP yang adil lagi bertanggungjawab...Amin-

See...if im in trouble,i seek His help.His advice although not very straight maybe from His love letter aka hamba yang kerdil kita hanya meminta dan Dia hanya memberi. Demi kebaikan untuk hamba-Nya. very selfish...

may-be once or twice?after i perform my prayer i ask Him that i want to be a PP.and it come true.I hope my doa that id always ask Him after prayer which is i want my siblings I mean Palestine to be free...and to smooth the helpers that want to help Palestine.Im very grateful because most of my doa dia i want my mom to be healthy...and my mom's still walking and driving and etc.Saya harap Dia makbulkan doa saya supaya meringankan beban Palestina walaupun saya tidak tahu bahawa Dia makbulkan doa saya...what am i crapping...hope He understand.He always understands only love here and hereafter... very grateful whatever He gave to me...

People might think its not perfect but id always think its perfect because everything came from Him is perfect.

People might think its ugly but as for me its always beautiful.

Everything good,beautiful or the most dreadful i take it as moral value.



Monday, July 19, 2010


Sunday, July 18, 2010


hey guys...

i went to my atok's cousin wedding at heritage hotel...haha.2 je ke nak ckp?ada benda nak ckp

my sis blajar kat uk and dy balik cuti summer. if pak-pak mak-mak sdare jmpa my sis and i she/he will ask me "ni ke yang blajar luar negara tu?'...yea as we all know that im taller than my sis so of course they will ask me first...ngeeee:))

disebabkan saya x jahil,,,i told me no but the girl next to me.and they will go to my sis and ask my sis 'how's london?' and abandon me...its okay.happens all the time.haha

and...since kak li's home we cooked together.just now we cooked chicken paprik...haha.its very easy....

campak ayam.campak kicap,sos,tiram and veg.haha



Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Koko day

weee....hey guys.

on 24th july ada hari koko.if nak dtg,dtg le.jgn bwk kecoh...

the most important thing...::::

come to our stall.haha.ada:::

spaghetti(did i splell it right?)
mee goreng mamak.
byk tulis.n fruit drinks.haha

:::cehh promote:::

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Hey using my sis laptop so if ada typing error pandai2 je la...

hey..wan 2 know what dunya is?if u dont wan to know just shut my blog...dont care.yesterday my sis showed me this vid bout dunya...
dunya. it means world.harta kebendaan. harta kebendaan like human nowadays seeking for cars,money,iphone and stuff.if nak beli x per...tapi ad niat yg baik.try 2 think if nak bekal seronok dkt dunia je...kat akhirat x nak ke?eiii...nanti kat akhirat semua org nak lepaskan diri tau tak?anak nuding jari dekat mak supaya nak lepaskan diri...mak lupakan anak.anak lupakan mak.kawan lupakan kawan.hanya orang bertaqwa saje yg bley tolong.

kak li said 'Allah will ask u like...'why dont u do this?'.and the person that Allah being ask will point at someone sape-sape je lah and say 'she/he didnt remind me' and she/he will say 'i've reminded u' and the person will say 'why dont u remind me twice?maybe after that i will change?' and she/he cant reply that question...what if she/he never remind or advice the person?so...that's why dont give up to remind or advice people.for your own good dont give up...and what if she/he had adviced or reminded twice and the person will ask again 'why dont u remind me again?'...and soo on.the person will ask EVERYBODY.maybe everybody including YOU!'

and another one.

Allah will ask 'why dont u do this?' and the person will say 'she/he didnt remind me' while pointing at someone. The someone will say 'If i remind u,u will kick me and scold me' then Allah will say 'Are you afraid at me or she/he?' then Allah terus hantar someone tu ke matter if u advice someone if she/he ignore you or might kick u or slap u,dont be afraid.FOR YOUR OWN GOOD JUGAKK' x reka kakak sy pon x reka...she said based on the holy quran...kalo citer 2 terubah skit...soory yer.susah nak flashback ap yg kak ak ckp...haha

my sis showed me a very-very huh! vid that made by...noreagaa something i dont know.i dont know how 2 describe the vid.

you can watch it at utube...the arrivals...penah tengok?byk lagi la...haha.but...kalo nak tgk the arrivals jgn sorang-sorang...
