Monday, May 30, 2011

Grammar?kena betoi tuhhh


Nak buat post Bm lah.Nihaaa,majoriti post aku dalam bi kan?haha...memanglah. Aku tulis Bi nih ok tapi nak cakap susah sikit. Masa aku form1 dulu aku communicate dgn chinese n indian dkt sekolah aku dlm Bi. Tapi lama2 bila dah rpt ckp dlm Bm. So, sekarang nih aku menyesal. Asai aku x speaking jhe bila cakap dgn deme?ngaish...

Grammar Cafe! I love this cafe,although I haven't been there XD

Faiqah penah cakap dengan aku
'Kat blog kita,kita tulis Bi mesti banyak salah kan?'
ermm,,,aku diam jhe...

NONSENSE betoi lah...mestilah blog ko ad grammar mistakes. MACAM BLOG AKU. hihi. Kita sekarang tengah belajar. So, it's normallah kalo ada grammar mistakes. Even orang-orang yg nampak Bi dia sempoorna pon ada buat salah grammar. :D


So,sekarang ni kita tengah belajar. Aku nak ucapkan tahniah kalo ada yg baca nih penah buat post dlm Bi walaupun grammarnya mestilah x sempurna. That's a great effort. Aku baca post-post aku yg lama pon, aku sedar yg Bi aku lagi elok berbanding dulu. So,dalam aku tulis Bi tunggang-langgang nih, lama-lama jadi better,better and better.

Neway,masa Disember tahun lepas. Aku keluar dgn cousin aku n kawan dia Zat pergi mall. Masa tuh pukul 12 kot then ada tempat nih tulis 'Went to LAUNCH' hahaha...we laughed at it. Then we corrected it. Kitorang tulis 'Lunch lah ?*********?' ***--->it is not vulgar language but I just can't remember what did we write.

Till then



I ate nasi ayum at 4am

Salam peeepsss,

hihi...current time is 4.41 am. I just taken my errrm...breakfast?no,dinner?eh meal between dinner and breakfast XD .

Seriyes x tipu,nasi ayum yg aku mkn td may-b lagi sdp drpd nih >.<

Okay,Im expecting I must have gained weight. Especially on Sunday,I ate proper meals 3 times in a day. siap tambah 3 kali!.It's been a while since I ate 3proper meals in a day.

Butt when I scaled my weight, I've lost my weightyyy! oh my! @.@ weird things tend to happen nowadays >.<

Neway,you must be thinking...where did I get the nasi ayum in the first place and look at the time,it's 4am. Okay,it was my bro's actually. My mommeh bought it for him. But it just happened that he didn't return home then I just ate his nasi ayum. Kalo esok tinggal basi telan jelah air liyyour haha. I was watching We Got Married,then my stomach was singing 'Im hungryyy,is it possible if you're kind enough to fill me with love?' love=food that's it! I thought I just want to eat bread,but I saw the nasi ayum thingy,and yeah! good for meh!

Rezeki saya, Allah tentukan. X boleh amik



*seriously,why did I write lurve instead of LOVE?like as usual?ermmm,,,maybe my stomach is too happy right now!till then now it's I'll just wait for Subuh then pray then tido!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

All The Best Kak Li :)

Salam peeps

I don't really have any idea what to blog about.It just pop in my mind. This week is exam week at University of Londeh. and my sister,our family call her Kak Li is taking her final exam. Neway all the best Kak Li. I always prays for you. Especially mama.

haha.sapa yg buat benda mcm nih mmg nak kena penampar jepun. neway x is 5. know the answer without calculating it. CAUSE I LOVE THIS TOPIC! and it's easy too

Hope you'll get A class this year too. And hope you'll wear that silly robe next year to take your ijazah thingy. and hope I can come there too. To watch you receiving certificate. The most thing I desire. And further your study. Amik master pulak. Then get married. haha.

I hope I can be successful as her. My another sister also will be studying abroad. And hey,I want that too. When people ask me 'Where did you study?' and I'll asnwer them 'Oh,,,I studied in London/US/Egypt/Ireland and many other' only hope He'll choose the best for meh.

I don't really care if I study at local university actually. But it's better if we study abroad. Kan Allah menggalakkan kita berjalan. Tengok ciptaaNya. Mengagumi ciptaaNya.

Semua oghang nak berjaya!neway why diploma robe is same as 'Father's' at the church? don't brainstorm bout this, just asking neway...haha :D

I plan to travel around the world. Not only prestigious place. Nak mencoba semuanyaaa.

Okay then Kak Li study hard for your exam and further your study to US pulak *boleh tumpang kaki sekali* :D

Till then



Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Chumelll kan?kan?kan? haha

Okay, aku update blog ni pon bkn sebab kerelaan hati. Tapi untuk mengelakkan malu. Tu lah nak kenakan orang kan dah kena...Ceghite dia begini, aku blog walking...Kawan2 aku semua x update blog. Then aku perli depa kata

Tgk blog Faie, kay x update, tgk blog Izzatul, kay x update, tgk blog Fatizah, kay x update dgr fact kejap smpi woon nyanyi then ttp, tgk blog Qis, kay x update, tgk blog Syafiq kay x update =.='

Then Qis reply 'Blog dia dah update kea'? haha

MALU den,,,

Okay2 kita dah update Qis kena tarik balik kata2 dia. Lagi satu sebab aku ada masalah dgn Google. Then dia mintak no phone lahh,,,leceh betoi. Nak x nak kena jugak bg no phone dekat diaaa... :(

Till then



Monday, May 23, 2011

Random Thoughts of ME

Salam peepsss post aku yg ke-tiga hari ni...current time is 2.45 am. I just couldn't sleep. Im lazy. It's really hard to sleep when I gaze at this

haha...semak gila...semua benda dalam gambar ni seperti dicampak-dicampak XD I think you are lucky that I didn't upload the upper part of what-do- we-call-it drawer?urmm,,,entah...blank since it's 2.45 haha

and I feel at peace when I watch

This is 1st time upload Tomeh's photo...weeheee,,,and iAllah I'll upload it later...maybe tomorrow?haha...who knows?

and laughed when I watched this

haha...I still keep this. Made by Fazrin's sister 100%. She's cute...isn't she...*did I say so cause she wrote that Im comel,cantik?don't care...but Faz is really lucky to have an awesome sister. She's also sister of Faridah :D

Till then



I Miss You,u,u,u,u


Saya rindu Izaatul Atiqah Nur Binti Roslan...banyak betul schedule sorang pompuan cantik ni. Haha...She's been away for MSSM thingy. And will be back on Wednesday?I think or Tuesday? Ahhh,,,it doesn't matter.

Rindu nak cubit Zatul
Rindu nak kenakan Zatul
Rindu nak kacau Zatul
Rinda nak pergi kantin dgn Zatul
Rindu nak main dgn Zatuk
Rindu nak sembang/cakap/merepek dgn Zatul
semuanyaaa akuuu rindu,,,okay-okay dah gilerps sikit

Saya Rindu Anda... datanglah ke pangkuan cik Afnie yang cute ni... :( rasa lain er x de Izzatul nih...Dah lah Faie tu banyak merepek...aku kena tanggung kemerepekan faie sensorang since Izzatul x de...huahuahua,,,haha...faie no offend :D just joking faie hihi

Kitorang x lah sejauh ni...kita berdrama sikit yerps,,,untuk menambahkan pahit masam kesedihan tu.... XD

Till then. I miss you

*Wrote this post without hesitation cause I know she wouldn't read my blog neway. BUT if she do, then I'll blush madly knowing that inside my heart that I miss her...I want to stay firm in front of her so I can bully her when Im bored. Okay enough of that



Sunday, May 22, 2011



Since the exam is over, as people would normally do is they will blog about their result and how they feel. And,okay I'll talk bout my result as there's nothing to say I don't have any ideas. Common thingy. result is not good and not that bad. It's just okay. As usual, Im not satisfied with my result. Tapi x bermakna aku x bersyukur. I ain't that smart like someone who get straight A's. I've tried. Maybe I have to try harder next time in order to get straight a's.

Okay,,,bismillahirahmanirahim. I got 3 b's. Im upset. Not to mention bout my mom's feeling. I haven't tell her bout my result yet. I told her just my certain result that I got an a.

Im in despair

During exam week, my sleep time is unpredictable. But I usually sleeps around 2 am and wake up around 6-6.30.

I feel like to slap my face when Im thinking that Allah is not fair.

“When Allah loves a servant, He tests him.” (Tirmidhi)

When I read this, I love Him more.



Friday, May 20, 2011

Dedicate This Post To Qistina Hashim


hye Qiss...kita update blog kita sebab kamu suruh...tengok kita baik kan sebab kita grant kamu punya wish. Kita sangat bohsan. So kita buat post ni khas-khas untuk kamu. Harap kamu suka dan dapat hilangkan bohsan kamu tu jugak...

Ermm...sekarang kita tiba2 rasa x bosan sebab kita tengah menulis dekat blog. Bila kita tulis dekat blog je kita happy. Walaupun post tu sangat membosankan...haha

So,,,Qis kita bagi kamu nasihat supaya update lah blog kamu yerr walaupon postnye macam cicak gedempol dan gajah keding!!! hihi

This is a crazy suffer from carrot syndrome elephant that Saranes really wished to be :D

ermm,,,kita tidak akan mencemarkan blog kita dengan postkan gambar cicak...errr...geli-geli...tercemar duli blog saya :D



Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Do you think only your school celebrate Teacher's Day?hey me too!I had fun although we were in rush. Im going to blog about it from A-Z so I will not forget about it when Im 20,30. hehe

Okay. I arrived at school at 8.50 to prepare and practice our performance and finish everything that should be finished. I should be there at 8.00 but Im not a perfect person so I was late.

We took pictures like mad. And seniors asked us to help her to arrange chairs at the hall. We don't really want to but we have to. Okay enough of that. Then we stay on the stage with curtains closed of course. We didn't practice really. Because almost everyone was busy. They disappeared. It was not their fault really. Even orang yang x de kerja pon menghilangkan diri. So to be on the safe side, I just remained on the stage waiting for the others.

At 12.30 I went to Dataran Amal. Duty. To keep Form 1 remain quiet. I stayed there for 30 minutes. Then leave. Felt like vomiting. Go to hall and stay on the stage. Talked and encourage some of form 1 Azalea to perform no matter what. Because they seemed lost their strength. They sat separately. No wonder. So I asked them to sit in a group. Bukan berpecah-pecah dalam bulantan. And they discussed. They were lucky actually because everyone was there. Unlike prefect.

And we just stayed on the stage. Practiced. Argue a little. Because everyone had different ideas.

And we performed perfectly. :D Me as a narrator. nahh.. easy. 'specially I can read the script. And when we were singing some of 1 Eugenia joined in. Cause we don't really have much time.

hilangkan kebosanan
semua busy

dgn Pn. Emsakiah
my mommeh~

At 6.40 we were rushing about to clean the mess. tutup PA system. Susun kerusi. Bukak banner. Then Balik

Ermm...kalau nak diikutkan aku ni x lah penat sgt. Tapi ada banyak lagi org lain yg lg penat :D

So Happy belated Teacher's Day!!!including my mommeh,,,hehe



Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Wishes


My birthday which is on 3/5 just a day before the exam. I was very busy studying (betol ke aku study) so I didn't have much time to update my blog . Plus-plus-plus I can't access to my blog. Okay enough of that, it was me actually-malas-ing around, like a fat piggy...

So as usual and common and people would normally do when their birthday, they will blog about the celebration and how many gifts that they got. But mine is different. I have wishes. As some people do.

Here, I'll list my wishes(macam kanak-kanak ribena) :
1. I want to learn to play violin-that's the most thing I desire for now
2. It is a secret :)
3. Want to get a true friend. I mean true. She/he will understand my state. And will believe what I'll say so I can show and be me in front of her/him. But I prefer a girl. If he, he would probably be my husband :p :D oh. of course I have friends and I do appreciate them.

That's all. Tak manyak pon. But why am I posting it? sebab saya tak ada kerja. haha... so I hope when I wake up a price charming will come to me and grant my wishes. wahaha... banyak nyee I demand youuu.

And oh!I got a shawl from Izzatul. The shawl is very sweet and I like it. It's pink, and I don't know why I suddenly fell in love with pink :)



Friday, May 6, 2011



As usual I hope I'll get straight A's...iAllah. Im in mess,,,I sleep at 9.30 and wake up at 12.00 and study till 3.00 or 4.00...haha...I know its super crazy...but what I can do...Im already used to it xD

So,my mom suppose to ban the usage of Internet...but,well I don't know why she don't do that in the first place...wheehee...but im not taking any advantages.

Im very worried when Im thinking about my exam, especially Im not very well prepared...and with my sleep time is in mess...and another thing is my classmates(not all) asked me questions like 'how's the English paper?' 'is it hard or easy?' 'you know whether this part will come out or not?'

How in the world am I suppose to know's not me who made the exam paper,they asked me because my moms the English teacher,although shes English teacher it doesn't mean she tell me everything. If she loves me she would never tell me about the questions. I hate it when I have to say 'I don't know',of course I want to share tips with my friends but it's just too much...I've told them everything that I've gained from my mom. EVERYTHING. geddit...tension pulak kekadang...hihi

-Im tired-

till then, hope I'll get straight A's,neway Izzatul my mom said your drawing is good :D