Friday, March 9, 2012

If Mum Understands


If my mom understands what I have to struggle right now. Being a prefect and a phasing teenager. Sometimes she just don't understand what I'm having right now.

Like I tell bout my duties to her. And she, who was a former prefect, said that 'Is it too hard to handle them. I mean, when I was a prefect, the students respect the prefects. They never cross us. They will read books during morning assembly.' Thanks mom for the concern, and all that.


now is wayy too different than the oldie time when she was a prefect. That oldie time, being a prefect is like a piece of cake. Students had changed.

And there was this I talked bout a stalker (my friends and I named her bias), and stare at us like rapist. And always bothers us. And she said 'Apa susah, slow talk jela dengan dia'

Oh sod it, she'll never understand somehow.

And another one is bout students yang selalu call boiprennnnnn (mainly indians, BUT look I'm not a racist or something, but it's a fact!) by using the public phone at school. Our school public phones are just tad different than the public phones out there. Like, they have limits of using it. They need to be charged if the batt had died out. And the only way to use the phone again is when a man who will charge the phone come on the next morning (I guess, I mean I'd never saw that man or something, but oh well come one of course the is someone who will be charging it.) And when they talk to their boipreeen, they talked for minutes! Like I don't know exactly how long. But well, they are the main reason why we can't call our parents during urgent times. Aku pon bengang jugak because I'd face the same situation. When I need to call my mom then -tadahhh- no battery!

And I talked to my mom bout that and she made a dead pan face, saying 'Tu pon x boleh handle ke, buat la blablablabla' Her ideas is wayy to old for the solution. hhahaahaha

Public phone di sekolah saya tidaklah segrand ini

But Im very grateful somehow. I mean, at least she cares although she couldn't understand. And sometimes she just, came out with hilarious ideas like the previous post I said that my mom gave and idea like 'throw books infront of princy's door and scream at her, and say 'don't even bother to give the books back to me' (She said it in a funny way). Although the idea is crazy, but it somehow made me laugh.



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