I love all my friends (faie,wainee,cenet and rynott)...*in this post i just want to talk about them,so sorry if your name are not in the bracket*
Faie: Im happy cause I still get to see you because we are in the same school and im very lucky cause we were selected to be trainee prefect so we can have more chat. And I very-very hope that we can be in the same class next faie be raaadyyy i think next year we can be in the same class...cause its very easy to be top 30 in my school. Now Im very appreciate when our chatting moments.gosip gitulahhh...but seriously i never gosip with her we talk about thing happening around us except for a special case. And the most important thing we dont talk about guys that wasting our time. But dont worry we dont actually gosip we 'berjoyah'...okay im getting gilax
Wainee: I've searched the whole universe >> (tipu) but i cant find a person *how can i say,im really bad describing things* like you -.- . Really. The first time when i saw you i thought you were a lousy prat cause i hate new Thanks cause teach me Math. I always remembered about the pameran thing.haha.
Cenet: You always reminds me about hukum hakam and make me more interested about Islam. Although sometimes or always i ignored you. My sis said to me about bout this thing
'Jika kamu membenci atau menolak orang yang berdakwah?memperingtkan kamu? *x henngatt...-.-.lousy AFNEy*. Maka Aku(Allah) mengisytiharkan berperang dengan kamu'
SubhanAllah. Im very hate myself. Nak ke berperang dengan Allah?Kita hamba yang cenonet ni setiap masa je Allah boleh tarik nyawa kita. Dahla banyak buat dosa walaupun cukup sembahyang baca quran tapi tu tidak mencukupi bagi kita...susahnya.memang susah tapi kita akan mendapat ganjaran:DDDDDDD...berapa besar sangat ka cobaan (endon pulax) yang Allah bagi dekat kita kalau nak dibandingkan dengan syurga,dahla sebagai hamba yang hina selalu meminta kesenangan daripada-Nya. Allah tu maha Adil yer...:DDDD.. Always love Him. Ceramax pulax
Thanks yer Asna Khalidah Binti Mohd Shobri yang dilahirkan pada 4 April.haha...tabik sama AFNEy!ingat tau lagi jangan ingat aku lupa kawan :P
Rinot: Thanks cause saya dapat menimba pengalaman yang kengkadang jadi Pen. Pen Ketua Kelas yang tidak bertauliah dan yang tidak dilantik oleh sesiapapun yang berniat untuk meringankan bebanan anda yang K. Kelas menendang-nendang tugas dan menambahkan burden dekat Bt Formal betoi. But i miss u lah cik Joker Bt Smiley. Love your tooth. I still remember when we were playing netball. Practiced shooting together...heeee...T.T. Saya sayang anda. But lately she didnt reply my messages...dapat kawan baru la tuuuu...:P.jeles tau
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