I have an admirer. Form 1. Girl. Ghost keeper(this is I so-so not sure). She keeps bothering me. She's very annoying. She insisted that Iam cute. What's wrong with her. So after thre days thinking, I've made up my mind. Iam going to give her a warning.
So I called her in front of form 1. That was very embarassing really. And I said with a stern face
'Kamu tau x apa kesalahan kamu'?
-muka toya...I sepak karang budak ni. kesabaranku sudah ke tahap Gunung Everest
My face was very fierce...even my friend said so. The girl also was very afraid. Of course. This is her first time seeing my face like that.
I also said to her
'kamu tau x yg kamu ni annoying?kamu tau x apa tu annoying?menjengkelkan?kamu tau x apa tu mengjengkelkan?rasa bengang'
then my friend cut me out. they said 'weh dah la tu weh,nangis kang budak ni'
And I also said 'lepas kalau kamu tengok2 kakak sambil senyum2 gaya pervert macam semalam tu,kakak report je terus dekat cikgu. Kamu pon x suka kan kalau orang tengok-tengok kamu?'
She nodded
The next day,Saturday. Which is schooling day. When I saw her, she avoided me. Hiding behind her friends. That was better actually when people thinking that we are very fierce. Rather than people looking at us pervertly.
I think my face when talking to the girl was like this
or even angier or fiercer