Saturday, January 22, 2011



I have an admirer. Form 1. Girl. Ghost keeper(this is I so-so not sure). She keeps bothering me. She's very annoying. She insisted that Iam cute. What's wrong with her. So after thre days thinking, I've made up my mind. Iam going to give her a warning.

So I called her in front of form 1. That was very embarassing really. And I said with a stern face

'Kamu tau x apa kesalahan kamu'?
-muka toya...I sepak karang budak ni. kesabaranku sudah ke tahap Gunung Everest

My face was very fierce...even my friend said so. The girl also was very afraid. Of course. This is her first time seeing my face like that.

I also said to her
'kamu tau x yg kamu ni annoying?kamu tau x apa tu annoying?menjengkelkan?kamu tau x apa tu mengjengkelkan?rasa bengang'

then my friend cut me out. they said 'weh dah la tu weh,nangis kang budak ni'

And I also said 'lepas kalau kamu tengok2 kakak sambil senyum2 gaya pervert macam semalam tu,kakak report je terus dekat cikgu. Kamu pon x suka kan kalau orang tengok-tengok kamu?'

She nodded


The next day,Saturday. Which is schooling day. When I saw her, she avoided me. Hiding behind her friends. That was better actually when people thinking that we are very fierce. Rather than people looking at us pervertly.

I think my face when talking to the girl was like this

or even angier or fiercer




Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You Know What?


You know what?
You made my heart beat faster than usual



note: please don't stay undress in front of me...weks the true afnie is geli...teli-teli

Monday, January 17, 2011

Body Is Just Our Tool


I want to open my hijab,
and show the world,
that I too,
am beautiful in the people's definition.

deep down here,
in my little heart,
I know that beauty is by definition,
a mystery.
and it is forever more rewarding,
to be beautiful in God's eyes.

I want to wear ruffled dresses and tight jeans,
show off what I really look like,
under those baggy shirts and loosely fitted pants,
make a statement,
that I too,
have a figure and worth looking at.

I know better,
to avoid entering the world of men's imagination,
for I love my future husband,
and I am ashamed,
what should be his, has already been unveiled by others.

I want to show the world,
the other side of me,
the bubblier, bolder, and crazier me.
put myself on display,
for everyone to see,
to be desired, and admired upon.

I know that eyes are not just eyes,
seeing is not just seeing,
image and respect are gained,
shame and humility deserve a better place,
Because in the end,
it is not just about me,
I carry a lot of impressions and expectations,
of what a Muslim girl should be,

I am covered by the word "Islam" the moment I walk out of my door,
So don't be selfish girl,

Can't you put behind your heart's desire for something worth fighting for?

Love is all it takes.



>> and special thanks to Faie who tagged me :D

Sit properly, a cup of hot coffee or milk will do and read thoroughly!

Do you know how we are created?You are created as a soul, and place into this physical body. Your body is just "the tool". A tool, for your soul to carry out this temporary physical section, of your eternal life. A tool which should be guided into investing and feeding the soul. But what do we do? we dedicate all over lives to feed "the tool", with physical and worldly pleasures, instead.

But all people remain to do, is invest in the body, rather than the soul.

plastic surgery-plastic surgery-plastic surgery

Is this the world had to offer?

Trash all that nonsense XD

Also special thanks to Noreagaa and Achernahr The Arrivals

Actually I copied it from The Arrivals part 23...





One day, I asked my mom...

Me: Ma, kenapa masa adik bangun tidur je nak kentut, nak buat bisnes dalam toilet and selalu sendawa?
Mama: Tu sebab adik tidur bukak mulut


Oh...of course saya x tidur macam ni.
bising je berdengkur, nanti 1 kampung kejar aku dengan obor menyala-nyala..haha
source-mr. google

-pak cik ni lagi sempoi,pak cik yang sebelah tu pon rilek je.haha
source-mr google


Happy Days With Faie


Im very enjoy this year. I laugh a lot. I just can't stop laughing. Even form 1 didn't afraid of me... I've tried to be serious, but trut-trut-trut so I have to make an appointment with Pembimbing Muka Garang Tahap Bulldog... haha...

Oh! Faie and me had a very good time. I really appreciate that time. That God fulfill my wish... Yeeehaw. Although without the presence of Asna, Noraini, Arina and Fatihah, I really appreciate it...


So, I hope that I'll be serious...wahahaha



Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hingusan Form 1


Wah!petala kelapan, this is my second post on the same day. Yerlah, mana tak terencat sikit aku ni, meh buat dok ceghite jap...sechewan milo sejuk amat digalakkan...wahaha

First day of schooling tut-tut-tut

Ok, sepatutnya aku kena jaga form 2 tapi aku malas nak tengok dekat Prefect Board duty dekat mana, so aku rasa form 1 senang je nak jaga sebab semua macam hingusan je. Tapi rupa-rupanya depa ni hurmmm nanti lah korang boleh tau...

kawan aku tanya cam ne kau tau yang kau jaga from 1? so aku jawab 'intuition' wahaha...

Second day and third aku belajar

4th day

Jaga form 1 balik. Masa ni diorang dah start bising dah

5th day

Last day of Orientation Week

There are few things that I really-really hmmm how am I going to describe it? Rasa nak naik je remos 3 hari 3 malam.

My friend: Adik tau tak route nak balik ke dewan?
form one: kitorang x tau. Suruh la diorang (prefect form 2) tolong escortkan kitorang

Agak kurang ajar. Ni masa diroang dekat surau nak balik ke dewan. Diorang cakap pon kasar.

Ni dalam Dewan Kuliah. Dalam dewan ni ada bench yang minimum and maximum 6 orang boleh duduk. Aku suruh la sorang bedebah from 1 ni duduk dekat another bench sebab diorang tu tak gheti yang ass diorang tu gedebak pastu nak duduk 9 orang dekat satu bench. Pastu aku round la mau check then masa aku balik kat tempat tu, bedebah tu duduk balik dengan kawan dia. Suka hatilah yang korang x terima hakikat yang ass korang tu besar. haha.

And ada la sorang eh bukan sorang dalam 5 orang budak ni cakap muka aku ni familiar dengan siapa entah kot-kot monyet haha. Tiba-tiba je diorang ni gaya macam nak buat kelab admirer aku...wahaha...papela...asalkan korang happy and tak nakal



I Can Drive XD


Semalam bertandang dekat Tesco... Masa tengah isi barang dalam kereta, mama berhajat nak buat bisnes dekat bilik ayour. wahaha.

Bila dah habeh isi barang campak-campak semua barang dalam kereta, tiba-tibe je en orang kutip troli datang nak amik troli la, pastu dia tanya

'Best tak bawak kereta ni?'

Pastu aku bajet je cakap ' Mula-mula OK la semua kereta ni sihat je pastu lama2 rosak selalu, bawak kereta ni pon ringan' wahahaha

Pastu dia cakap 'ooooo' pastu aku blah, tapi yang silapnya aku masuk passenger's seat. aisehhhh...

Hakikatnye...tulah manusia tak habeh-habeh tak pueh...wahaha...

Dah muda nak jadi tua, dah tua nak jadi muda...

n macam-macam lagi yang korang boleh fikirkan...wuawuawua