Sunday, February 5, 2012



I was passing Saranes' table and she asked

"Afnie, what time do you usually sleep?"
Meh: hurm,, around 12.45 - 1.00 and wake at 5.30 everyday cause I go to school by bus.
"Wow! it means you only sleep bout 4-5 hours a day"
Meh: Yeah, well of course. Mind you WE ARE IN A MILITARY SCHOOL! And that's why I had fever because I usually sleep 12-13 hours a day during holidays and suddenly and abruptly I sleep 4-5 hours a day. lols
"Are you tired?"
Meh: Kinda. hahahaha
"Well you look like you aren't"
Meh: Oh? Really? Because Im an IT GIRL! *jumping*
Saranes > Looked incredulously at me

*I call Saranes > Syaranesh because my Kelantanese teacher, Pn Fa calls her with that name lols

I'd call myself crazy if I deny that Im not exhausted. Of course Im tired man. 'Specially I need time to adapt with the environment. My classmates and I didn't really have time to chat. We are like workers who are very busy and business-like cause we only talk with each other when there are really 'business'.

Only Rpsians know what we are feeling. And maybe only in 3 Azalea, we can feel the huge differences.

Okay English saya berterabur

That's why I very-very rarely check on my twitter. And I can't complain too much because there are lots other people who are more stress than Im and more busy than Im.

Well you should be lucky then if you are not fated to be in RPS. We have to attend to co- curricular activities thrice in a week and I have French class on Friday. =.=



1 comment:

  1. sabar.. setiap kesenangan disertai dengan kemudahan.. lain kali jgn tido 12 jam dah..macam kucing! haha
