Alhamdullillah. Our USBF 1 just ended last week. Everyone studied like mad, think so XD. The questions were undescribeable, some were vary hard, easy and medium rate. But most of it medium. Just okay. Not too hard and not too easy.
But trying is all that I'm capable of. Only Allah decides what is the best for me besides I make the best.
We were very eager to know our marks. We even get answers from another classes. *Im not included, cause I only took the answers from my classmates. Im lazy. hehe
Many weren't satisfied with their results. But alhamdulillah, although I didn't achieve my target, I must think that there are many other people who got lower marks than me. Allah tested me fairly. To make me sense and improve my mistakes.
I target to get straight A's or 7a and 1b. But Allah give me the perfect mark which is 6a and 2b. I got b for Science. I was very sad at first. I must excel in Science subject especially I want to be a doctor. And for history it exceed my expectation because I thought I might get C for history. Alhamdulillah.
Im very admire my friends. Izzatul and Faie. They were very thankful with what they got. But ME! nak mengompelin je...hehe
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