Hey...Actually I want to post this pix long time ago but my table was very packed and I didn't have time to blog many thing with kak cik who used to possess this laptop and now she's not here I can write as long as I want..
Actually I framed this thing and I put on my study table which I found the best place. You must say that Im crazy to frame this thing...and you'll know why I frame this thing that should be at Pembuangan Sampah Ulu Perak.
Last year, Wainee made this thing cause I was the representative for the class for pidato=what do they call pidato in English?NVM=. When I was pidato-ing she raised this thing.hahah!Before the day I performed pidato,she promised me to make a so-called banner(Im the one who asked her tobmake it)
Yelah aku ni bukan budak pentas yang femous selalu bertandang kat stage...Kalo atas stage sorang-sorang mau mati kutu...hahah!
I didn't win the pidato but it's ok.Asna pon memang jugak...second place. O don't why...cause when I was finishing my maths work,I felt want to give up but when I gazed at this thing,I felt something that risen my spirit(cheewah).Aku tatang gylak benda ni
Wainee mesti ko terharu...yelah ko mesti ingat kertas ni dah cecah loji kat belakang rumah kau tu. And just want to let you know that faiqah still simpan your apologize paper tu...yang aku dengan ko conteng kertas faiqah then faiqah merajuk then ko buat la kertas tu.kalo x ingat x hapa.
Remember guys...although you are far from us,you are still in our heart. Korang tu pandai...kitorang x kisah kalo korang tinggalkan kitorang step by step ke belakang...for your own good jugak...and kitorang cuma alat penghibur korang je...
Ingat dulu kita selalu merajuk saling merajuk...alah,biasalah budak pompuan kalo x de orang nak layan die distract orang lain...dulu pun aku merajuk suka-suka...hati aku kan macam Empangan Peghak yang hebatt tu(hahah) tapi kalo banyak air teburai jugak...paham-paham je la...
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