This post is not about ghosts, dark area, left alone at abandoned island etc. But this post which is Im quite certain very scary. I hate at the thought of that. How can my beloved ones easily get abuse although they don't know that they are being abuse or bully etc. Its quite scary right?
It is about Facebook. YEs facebook. Facebook seems innocent, but the people using facebook are not innocent.And after a long time thinking, yes, facebook is innocent, facebook which is a web browser to get friends connected, and not for lovey-dovey-sayang-chinta-intan-payung-besi-berkarat and all that. XD . I made my fb account because of my friends and I go to separate ways and I think this the easy and modern way to chat with friends. And since Im a prefect, I always skip classes, so I can ask my friends about homework etc.
Listen here, once you upload your pics at FB it will fly to Google and people can easily search you, they will type your name, and Google innocently show your pics, and they printed your pics, put in their room or maybe they will EDIT your pics, undress or something and spread it.
Allah juga bersabda bahawa bila kita melakukan sesuatu perkara yang memalukan, Dia hanya diam, tapi hari esok pulak kita menyebarkan perkara yg kita buat malu tu...
errrrrr...I bet you don't understand it right?
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
This Week
post ni sangat panjang kerana aku rasa week ni week terpanjang dalam hidup.haha
Minggu ni merupakan minggu yang paling penat, menyeronokkan n rasa bengang la sikit dengan sorang cikgu ni...
Hari Isnin tak lah busy sgt tapi bila hari Selasa, Rabu and Khamis mmg penat! Dah lah kena stayback untuk koko lagi. Sebenarnya boleh je balik rumah tapi kena practise la kan untuk persaraan Pn. Azizah. Kita orang ada perform nyanyian, kitorang buat x lah gedik2 sgt mcm certain persembahan tu Ya Rabbi! gedik gila! my mom said tertunjuklah ke'mature'ritian pengawas dan tidak gedik2 kat atas pentas, perform persembahan menari2 gedik2 seni pon tarak except Vestene dia menari mmg meliuk-liuk hebat! dan dia idak gedik.
lagi satu pasal puisidra tu. Aku masuk puisidra dengan tidak rela hati oleh FaDin. Dah la cikgu bagitau pasal puisidra tu last minute, nasib baik Cikgu Zunita yang baik hati tak melarang kitorang untuk berbincang pasal puisidra. MEKASIH CIKGU!. Kitorang ada just 40 minutes untuk berbincang pasal props, tugasan and blablabla. Masa kitorg bincang tu banyak gila idea yang gila! sampai pecah perut aku gelak!and thx to Sara yang tidur pukul 2 semata-mata untuk buat prop. hehe. dia tidur pukul 2 tapi bgn pkl 7 tapi aku tidur pukul 1 and bgn pukul 6 kira sama la tu duration kitorg tidur...kira fair and square la tu...hehe
And thx jugak FaDin kerana menjebakkan aku dalam puisidra ni. Kalau ko x tarik aku masuk puisidra ni -bunyi cengkerik- x tau aku nak cakap apa. speechless. and thx to PUISIDRARIANS 2 AZALEA 4 your cooperation. It was worth it!
Lagi satu pasal persaraan Pn. Azizah. Kitorang penat2 belatih sampai homework aku pon x siap pastu cikgu A kata ada audition. Kitorang pon masuk la audition tu. Dahla audition tu kitorang lawan dengan morning session so apecekos kitorang kalah dgn x de preparation yg penuh. Lepastu rupa-rupanya audition tu untuk persaraan Pn. Azizah yang waktu pagi punya -bunyi cengkering lagi-. cikgu a ni mmg-mmg x bagitau pon yg audition tu untuk morning session punya. I dont search fame. Aku just nak perform afternoon session je. AFTERNOON SESSION JE. Memang aku bengang la masa tu sekali dengan pengawas sekali. Cikgu A bukan nak cakap doe. So lepas tu mmg terang-teranganlah yang kitorang x practise dah.
Tapi kan...persaraan masa hari persaraan Pn. Azizah untuk sesi petang punya,cikgu A suruh kiorang perform pulak. Aku dah agak dah benda ni akan terjadi so aku masa tu malas dah nak layan cikgu A ni. Tapi kan kalau Cikgu Sharifah yang cool tu x pujuk kitorang, kitorang mmg-mmg x nak perform. CEH JUAL MAHAL SIKIT DENGAN CIKGU A. haha. Kitorang pon kesianlah dengan cikgu Syarifah sebab dia yang cari orang untuk performance lepastu cikgu a tolak2 kitorang. so aku rasa cikgu Syarifah pon marah and bengang jugakla dekat cikgu a ni.
Dahla cikgu a ni sembang cakap kuat2 dekat mak aku 'anak you masukkan audition tu, tapi x dapat'. dia cakap mcm cakap dengan underwear je. macamla mak aku x de telinga mcm underwear.haha. punya sakit hati. lagipon aku bukannya nak masuk sgt pon audition tu. lagipon aku bukannya perform sorg2 pon. BERKUMPULAN. cikgu a ni cakap mcm nak persendakan aku. mcm personally nak persendakan aku. dah la kantin merupakan tempat cikgu mengunjung. so masa tu mmg banyak cikgu ada masa tu dekat kantin.
So aku biarlah. Aku maafkan jela cikgu ni. Aku x sanggup melihat dia merangkak depan aku mintak keampunan aku dekat neraka nanti kerana membuka aib orang. cikgu a saya x pernah nak kenakan cikgu ke nak aib kan cikgu ke, saya just nak cikgu SEDAR.
But after a hurricane comes a rainbow- Katy Perry- Firework
post ni sangat panjang kerana aku rasa week ni week terpanjang dalam hidup.haha
Minggu ni merupakan minggu yang paling penat, menyeronokkan n rasa bengang la sikit dengan sorang cikgu ni...
haha...chumel kan kucing ni...secomel aku
Hari Isnin tak lah busy sgt tapi bila hari Selasa, Rabu and Khamis mmg penat! Dah lah kena stayback untuk koko lagi. Sebenarnya boleh je balik rumah tapi kena practise la kan untuk persaraan Pn. Azizah. Kita orang ada perform nyanyian, kitorang buat x lah gedik2 sgt mcm certain persembahan tu Ya Rabbi! gedik gila! my mom said tertunjuklah ke'mature'ritian pengawas dan tidak gedik2 kat atas pentas, perform persembahan menari2 gedik2 seni pon tarak except Vestene dia menari mmg meliuk-liuk hebat! dan dia idak gedik.
lagi satu pasal puisidra tu. Aku masuk puisidra dengan tidak rela hati oleh FaDin. Dah la cikgu bagitau pasal puisidra tu last minute, nasib baik Cikgu Zunita yang baik hati tak melarang kitorang untuk berbincang pasal puisidra. MEKASIH CIKGU!. Kitorang ada just 40 minutes untuk berbincang pasal props, tugasan and blablabla. Masa kitorg bincang tu banyak gila idea yang gila! sampai pecah perut aku gelak!and thx to Sara yang tidur pukul 2 semata-mata untuk buat prop. hehe. dia tidur pukul 2 tapi bgn pkl 7 tapi aku tidur pukul 1 and bgn pukul 6 kira sama la tu duration kitorg tidur...kira fair and square la tu...hehe
sesquare ini!
And thx jugak FaDin kerana menjebakkan aku dalam puisidra ni. Kalau ko x tarik aku masuk puisidra ni -bunyi cengkerik- x tau aku nak cakap apa. speechless. and thx to PUISIDRARIANS 2 AZALEA 4 your cooperation. It was worth it!
experince lagi berguna daripada duit!
Lagi satu pasal persaraan Pn. Azizah. Kitorang penat2 belatih sampai homework aku pon x siap pastu cikgu A kata ada audition. Kitorang pon masuk la audition tu. Dahla audition tu kitorang lawan dengan morning session so apecekos kitorang kalah dgn x de preparation yg penuh. Lepastu rupa-rupanya audition tu untuk persaraan Pn. Azizah yang waktu pagi punya -bunyi cengkering lagi-. cikgu a ni mmg-mmg x bagitau pon yg audition tu untuk morning session punya. I dont search fame. Aku just nak perform afternoon session je. AFTERNOON SESSION JE. Memang aku bengang la masa tu sekali dengan pengawas sekali. Cikgu A bukan nak cakap doe. So lepas tu mmg terang-teranganlah yang kitorang x practise dah.
Tapi kan...persaraan masa hari persaraan Pn. Azizah untuk sesi petang punya,cikgu A suruh kiorang perform pulak. Aku dah agak dah benda ni akan terjadi so aku masa tu malas dah nak layan cikgu A ni. Tapi kan kalau Cikgu Sharifah yang cool tu x pujuk kitorang, kitorang mmg-mmg x nak perform. CEH JUAL MAHAL SIKIT DENGAN CIKGU A. haha. Kitorang pon kesianlah dengan cikgu Syarifah sebab dia yang cari orang untuk performance lepastu cikgu a tolak2 kitorang. so aku rasa cikgu Syarifah pon marah and bengang jugakla dekat cikgu a ni.
Dahla cikgu a ni sembang cakap kuat2 dekat mak aku 'anak you masukkan audition tu, tapi x dapat'. dia cakap mcm cakap dengan underwear je. macamla mak aku x de telinga mcm underwear.haha. punya sakit hati. lagipon aku bukannya nak masuk sgt pon audition tu. lagipon aku bukannya perform sorg2 pon. BERKUMPULAN. cikgu a ni cakap mcm nak persendakan aku. mcm personally nak persendakan aku. dah la kantin merupakan tempat cikgu mengunjung. so masa tu mmg banyak cikgu ada masa tu dekat kantin.
So aku biarlah. Aku maafkan jela cikgu ni. Aku x sanggup melihat dia merangkak depan aku mintak keampunan aku dekat neraka nanti kerana membuka aib orang. cikgu a saya x pernah nak kenakan cikgu ke nak aib kan cikgu ke, saya just nak cikgu SEDAR.
But after a hurricane comes a rainbow- Katy Perry- Firework
Friday, February 11, 2011
You must be asking...what's the mean of PuisiDra...Puisidra is the connection and short form of puisi and drama...
Puisidra is something like a poemer, 3 actors and 2 prop people to do prop of course
So, I participated the Puisidra thingy...And we won!!!
That's all I want to say...Its not because of me we won but our cooperation...Yay!
We didn't have the faintest idea that we would won. The topic was 'Natural Disaster'.
Oh!and I was the actor...haha... I was selected to be tree...a TREE!hehe...
And Sara was selected to be a tornado...We wrapped her and she spin-spin-spin and she accidentally collided with a table on the stage which Chiu Gin(prop girl) put a mountain made of polisterine. haha... I burst into laughing till the tree made of polisterin that I wore for the TREE thingy...haha. And Faie the poemer laugh a bit...haha
And special thanks to Sara
You must be asking...what's the mean of PuisiDra...Puisidra is the connection and short form of puisi and drama...
Puisidra is something like a poemer, 3 actors and 2 prop people to do prop of course
So, I participated the Puisidra thingy...And we won!!!
That's all I want to say...Its not because of me we won but our cooperation...Yay!
We didn't have the faintest idea that we would won. The topic was 'Natural Disaster'.
Oh!and I was the actor...haha... I was selected to be tree...a TREE!hehe...
And Sara was selected to be a tornado...We wrapped her and she spin-spin-spin and she accidentally collided with a table on the stage which Chiu Gin(prop girl) put a mountain made of polisterine. haha... I burst into laughing till the tree made of polisterin that I wore for the TREE thingy...haha. And Faie the poemer laugh a bit...haha
And special thanks to Sara
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Jahat Sangat ke Aku Ni
Kawan aku ada post dekat wall aku
'aq btul2 x sngka ngn prngai ko..sbb wlaupon aq rpt ngn ko,,aq tw ko x mcm,,psl pe kwn2 ko 2? diorg cita kt aq mcm2 psl ko..smue org dh ckp psl cuba utk x mw prcya tp x heran psl pe ko bley jd cm niy..wt cm 2? pdhal ko antra yg trbaek bg aq..ok la ko bg sbb pe ko nk wt cm 2? ko x tkut ksnnye ke nnti? aq plik ngn t...'
Aku x kesahlah sangat pasal benda ni. Aku ni jahat ke? Aku sentiasa buat salah...Mungkin sebab aku x bagitau lagi kot topic oral lagi kot kat Fira. Tapi x mungkin sebab Fira baik. Aku x bagi topic oral pon ada sebab. Bukan sebab aku nak bagi oral di dapat 0. Aku sampai sekarang x tau lagi topic oral
Korang tau x yang minggu ni minggu sedih buat aku?
Dalam minggu ni korang tau x berapa kali dah aku menangis?
Aku tengah tension sekarang ni
Masalah ni bukan masalah kecik
Masalah besar
Masalah yang dulu berulang lagi
Aku takut
aku sejahat ni ke?atau lebih?
Aku tau bila aku buat salah. Aku tau aku buat benda betul. Kadang-kadang bila aku buat benda betul pon orang kata salah. Selalunya aku buat benda x betul orang suka.
Kawan aku ada post dekat wall aku
'aq btul2 x sngka ngn prngai ko..sbb wlaupon aq rpt ngn ko,,aq tw ko x mcm,,psl pe kwn2 ko 2? diorg cita kt aq mcm2 psl ko..smue org dh ckp psl cuba utk x mw prcya tp x heran psl pe ko bley jd cm niy..wt cm 2? pdhal ko antra yg trbaek bg aq..ok la ko bg sbb pe ko nk wt cm 2? ko x tkut ksnnye ke nnti? aq plik ngn t...'
Aku x kesahlah sangat pasal benda ni. Aku ni jahat ke? Aku sentiasa buat salah...Mungkin sebab aku x bagitau lagi kot topic oral lagi kot kat Fira. Tapi x mungkin sebab Fira baik. Aku x bagi topic oral pon ada sebab. Bukan sebab aku nak bagi oral di dapat 0. Aku sampai sekarang x tau lagi topic oral
Korang tau x yang minggu ni minggu sedih buat aku?
Dalam minggu ni korang tau x berapa kali dah aku menangis?
Aku tengah tension sekarang ni
Masalah ni bukan masalah kecik
Masalah besar
Masalah yang dulu berulang lagi
Aku takut
aku sejahat ni ke?atau lebih?
Aku tau bila aku buat salah. Aku tau aku buat benda betul. Kadang-kadang bila aku buat benda betul pon orang kata salah. Selalunya aku buat benda x betul orang suka.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
School is fun but sometimes tension came from school. We got tense because of homeworks. Homeworks are okay. Butt what if teachers gave you dozens of it? especially it's long holidays homework. Okay I don't care if teachers gave us homeworks but don't give us too much.
This is the thing that I hate when I'm in the first class. Teachers expect that we're the best and teachers very hope that we're the best. Sometimes they think that we're robots. Some of them thought that we're very brilliant and teach fastly and expect that we could catch up. Of course we are the best than the other classes but we're not the best that you thought. I meant not all the teachers. Some of them.
When some of them thought we're the best automatically they think that we're not forgetful. YES IM MS FORGETFUL. Humans couldn't memorise everything.
I felt tense when teacher said 'You are our(teachers) only hope.' 'I hope you're the best' and many more
*oh sorry. I nagged. By blogging I can release my tension.
A lot better
School is fun but sometimes tension came from school. We got tense because of homeworks. Homeworks are okay. Butt what if teachers gave you dozens of it? especially it's long holidays homework. Okay I don't care if teachers gave us homeworks but don't give us too much.
This is the thing that I hate when I'm in the first class. Teachers expect that we're the best and teachers very hope that we're the best. Sometimes they think that we're robots. Some of them thought that we're very brilliant and teach fastly and expect that we could catch up. Of course we are the best than the other classes but we're not the best that you thought. I meant not all the teachers. Some of them.
When some of them thought we're the best automatically they think that we're not forgetful. YES IM MS FORGETFUL. Humans couldn't memorise everything.
I felt tense when teacher said 'You are our(teachers) only hope.' 'I hope you're the best' and many more
*oh sorry. I nagged. By blogging I can release my tension.
A lot better
Tengah kering ni...muahahha...kering idea. Lagipon tengah kusut fikirkan lagu untuk persaraan Puan Azizah atau 'jantung' sesetengah orang panggil sebab suffer penyakit jantung.
Aku ni pon lagi satu, sapa suruh mengoffer diri untuk mixkan lagu. waish-waish-waish
Dah tension nak buat lirik pastu main game.hahaha
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