Monday, June 27, 2011

a High Protected Fire

comel kan??? :D


Okay,the feeling of want to throw tantrums are still inside my heart since yesterday. When Im thinking bout it, more things that I think negatively. It's not that I want to, but well you know,,
Afnie tends to think negatively :D

I want to forgive my friends. But I want to give them some time. To repent. xP to make them realise how much that they've hurt me. To make them feel uneasy. To make them feel guilty. Of course I've hurt them before but I think not soooo this far. It's just too much. Wayyy out of boundary.

Well, the thing that made me feel like kicking something is when I said to Izzatul 'Okay,aku x buat apa2 pon pasai folio ICTL tu' then dia diam. There was a slightly worried face in her expression. Then after that, they didn't talk to me. And when they asked me bout something aku jawab acuh x acuh. Walk pass them as if they were not exist. They did not know yg aku tengah taching.

Then after I've said that, they ignore me. Maybe they were mad cause I said/lied to them that I didn't finish the folio thingy. oHH,,,kalo aku x siap korg kesah and kalo korg x siap x kesah lah pulak.

And after I gave them the folio. They asked for apologize. Then they give reasons why they couldn't make it. The reasons that they gave me,,*I think* were soso not acceptable. =.='

And aku start fikir
Tengok kucing boleh, buat kerja x boleh
Kata penat tapi on9 semedang
Bukan nak tanya awal2 and banyak lagi

Okay,,,aku mengaku yg my thoughts agak jahat, and I never thought that the thought would come into my mind :'( sumpah, kalo aku x de nafsu, dah lama aku nak berbaik dengan dema. Aku rasa hati aku hitam T.T

Sunday, June 26, 2011

So-Called Group Work


Okay,,,Something made me furious. Teacher gave us a group work which is folio entitled I-don't-know-hahas-. We should finish it before tomorrow. Cause we have to submit the thingy tomorrow. I sent my group a message about the content. Then they didn't reply my message. Okay. I continued to be patient.

wishing that I can change the word 'Assignment' to 'Holiday WITHOUT HW!'

Then, at night they haven't reply my message!I was in rage!forgoodnesssakewehavetosendthefoliotomorrow! then I sent to them


Then Atiqah reply-act I don't understand-bahhh cepatnya tanya,,,x boleh lambat lagi?

haha,,,x pernah dibuatnya aku mengamuk macam tuh...then I said to them I'll do it ALONE...then they just say I was okay. Waiting for them to considerate. And hoping that they'll send something like this 'Ouh,this is group work,maybe I should make the cover' or anything jelah pasai isi folio tu. And it turned out they never send something like that.


So, I was very grateful to have Fatizah Din Bt Nasarudin and Anissa Shaharuddin :D thx at least you made my night :) and niesa too was finishing her folio yay! ada kawan!

And what made me even more mad, Faie tagged me a video. Kucing. I know that you're exhausted or tired and dah berkurun lama x on9. But this is group work. Homework,folio kerja yang cikgu bagi wajib hantar. And if you can't finish it, it's okay as long as you've tried. She was happily watching videos and me?whateboutmeh?

So,bila aku rasa malas gila nak siapkan homework aku fikir pasal ni...kita kena solat 5 times in a day right?it's our obligation too right?and if we don't pray, and Allah will ask us why we didn't pray,,,x kan kita nak bagi alasan malas kot or x larat?so same as our homework,ia wajib and if teacher claim*haha-claim-ayat apela yg aku pakai nih* and we don't send it then they ask why x kan kita nak cakap malas kot?

kawan forever...okiesss?:D

So guys,,,no grieving and no offend. I just say what's inside my heart and what Im feeling. It's just x selesa if I keep this kind of feeling. Aku x nak simpan perasaan marah then buat2 kawan dengan korang. Pura2 kawan dengan orang pon tanda kiamat :/ so Im trying hard to push that feeling.

Okay,,,being better




Psycho Junior :D


hihi...aku rasa sumpah best jugak psycho juniors...cerita dia mcm nih...aku kate dekat deme kena hafal visi,misi,moto,piagam pelanggan and guru2 yang ada jawatan dekat sekolah tuh. erm,,,

Aku Sebenarnya Tifuuu

hihi...sebab aku and prefects thn lps ingat semua tu ms nak interview... =.=' sebab mula2 sorg hafal then SEMUA hafal.haha...then lepas tu senior x tanye pon hahahaha.

Aku pon sengaja nak bagi junior gelabah :p

Aku cakap dekat diorg mcm tuh sebab...mne boleh diorang x hafal tapi kitorang kena hafal

Lol...masa aku chat dengan junior yg deme kena hafal semua tuh sambil tu aku gelak sakan :DDD
masa aku tengah update blog ni pon aku tengah gelak

haha...ok neway Good Luck untuk junior :D harap2 korg jadi prefect yang better dari tahun nie. And elakkan diri daripada kena BULLY lol :p

Kalo korg kena bully,,,senior x kan layan haha (okay sumpah aku joking,aku x nak junior aku kena bully mcm aku kena bully masa tahun lepas,cause I Love My Junior) :D

tilL theN



Saturday, June 25, 2011



X de idea nak update apa. X de kerja. Nak cerita pasai semalam, report card day, panjang lah sangat -.-' Dari pagi opsss *cakap 'opsss' dengan gaya gedik haha* I mean tengahari (pagi masih di katil) haha sampai malam asyik depan laptop je. Kalo puasa pon x rasa pape, x penat pon and x lapar pon. Bangun mandi solat and main games dalam komputer ni. =.='

korang x rasa ke yang dema ni comel?hik-hik XD

Okay,kak cik nak balik dah dari london. PM ie padan muka dekat dia. hari isnin dah kenaa balikkk :D hihi

Bibir pon ada =.=' yeloh banyak orang request dekat madame tussauds

Tengah kepanasan dalam kejelesan ni. haha :p tgk dia upload2 gambar dekat FB,,banyak bebenor dia upload...tau le kat sana Internet x yah tunggu..cuba kalo internet kat M'sia sama laju dengan dekat London? gulp-ing* mak aihhh 24 aku buffer video :D

Aku pon x tau kenapa aku upload pic ni...owh korang x dpt tgk pic ni dengan penuh sbb aku malashh nak tukar settings dia haha...neway I Love Banana

And aku rasa most of the time aku duduk dalam bilik. aku keluar bilik masa nak bukak puasa je XD malas nak ckp dgn mak aku, pasai report card day tuh. talam dua muka betoi! =.=' malash nak cerita pasai tuh...

Kayy,,dah pukul 11.38,nak solat tengok tibi(TV) the TIDORRE!

JongKey! okay yang sedihnya aku tido sorg2 malam nih :'(




Thursday, June 23, 2011



Tadi kannn,,,pencil case aku hilang eh bukan pencil case je my note book and and my spec =.=' aku cari2 aku punya pencil case dekat 1 sekolah...1 sekolah aku pusing..haha,,aku pergi semua tempat kecuali dewan...aku pon dah cuak dah...yela baru semalam Syaf punya pencil case pon hilang. And,aku rasa Syaf punya pencil case lg comel drpd aku punya pencil case,so kalo ad orang nak curii...x waras lah orang tuh maknanya. Plus2 dalam pencil case Syaf ada pendrive..fuh...

aku rasa aku lg sdh kot pasai Syaf sbb dlm pencil case dia ad pendrive drpd aku,,hurm pencil case aku ada hapa jeeee

Kalo pendrive aku hilang cemana ek? habislah,,,aku punya masterpiece aku dalam pendrive tuh akan lenyap buat selama-lamanyaa..haha *drama sikit*

And masa aku solat Zohor en, baru aku ingat yang aku letak pencil case aku atas stage dekat dewan. haha...nmpak sangat solat x khusuknyee.

So,aku meredah lautan gunung api yg membara untuk amik my precious pencil case! aku pon sgt2 riso pasai spec aku,,sbb tulah hanya satu-satunye kenangan aku dengan abg cina yg layan aku masa nak bli spec..sbb muka abg cina tuh macam KIM HYUN JOONG hihi. lol XD

KHJ with a pink candy!

And,,,aku sumpah2 penat...sebab harini kan aku puasa. Nak suruh form 1 diam pon mmg hazab! tambah2 lagi kena amik keceriaan kelas,,kena rush2 jalan cepat2 semua =.=' yelah kerja prefect ni whtever condition or state kena2 jugak buat! hihi :D

kay thenn,,,aku ni pelupa sbb aku selalu kata mak aku pelupa kot =.=' haha tulah,,,



Friday, June 17, 2011

Kepenatan yang x Bermakna


Tadi kan, kitorang sambut persaraan cik Azidah. Memang sumpah penat. Aku lagi kesian dekat orang yang datang pagi. Aku sampai tengah hari disebabkan hal2 yg x perlu korang tau,,,haha. Aku datang dengan perut kosong. x makan. x minum. sumpah penat. =.='

Then rehat,,,aku bantal semua makanan,,french fries and roti semua aku telan! haha. :) Air sampai dua *mcm nk bukak puasaa haha

Then kitorang practise2 tunggu2 prefect yg lain. Memang aku rasa nak hangin jhe. Yeah,,kalo aku nak ikut nafsu sgt, dah lama aku nak quit buat pesembahan, balik rumah and tido =.=' tapi untuk jaga maruah prefect, aku sabar stay.

pak nih mesti tengah bengang sebengang aku tadii haha lol :p sabor pak cik,,

Jadi prefect mmg kene banyak sabar...bkn masa jaga budak jhee...

Then bila penat2 barlatih, masa pon x cukup,kitorang nyanyi jhe. Sebenarnya kitorang nak buat sketch and nyanyi tapii x sempat...nak dekat balik dah masa tu =.='

sumpah malu masa perform tuh =.=' benda dah lepas,,x kan nak tekan rev button dekat remote kot haha

Kayyy, so aku pon jadi gila sket, aku plan dgn Qis nak buat sketch masa Pn Em berucap untuk perhimpunan rasmi next week haha..

serious mmg penat. Dah lah miss kelas banyak =.='

Tapi tadi kitorang pasang2 lagu,,kitorang nyanyi mcm gila!lol,,sebab masa tuh tengah release tensionnn

So,,sume orang pulang dengan hampaaa :( tapi2 cgu murah hati bagi 3 potong kek kat kitorang. Aku pon x tanye lagi whether mak aku bawak balik ke x kek tuh. Macam x jhe. Dah lah...lapar nak makan...dr petang td x makan =.='



Thursday, June 16, 2011



Selama ni kann,,,aku selalu sabar pasai mak aku membebel. Biasalah tu, parents kan suka membebel-bebel. Aku tau yg most of parents kat dunia ni memang sensitive dengan ayat 'membebel' aku pon sensitive jugak dengan ayat tu. Aku pon x selalu cakap yg mak aku membebel depan mak aku, sebab aku nak jaga hati dia.

Tapi bila parents tengah membebel, ada ke diorg jaga hati kita. Aku dengan sabarnye, amik document2 untuk project NiE tuh dalam kereta,x hiraukan perasaan takut and gentar dalam gelap malam masa amik document tuh dalam kereta. Semua orang tanya aku pasai NiE dekat FB sekarang.FB pon tengah memekak dengan 'bling-bling' dia tuh,aku x reply2 pon kawan aku. Kalau diorg tau yang aku tengah sedih =.=' . Aku sangat2 tension. Tambah lagi mak aku membebel. X pernah setension nih.

Aku sabar2 jhe lagi masa aku bagi documents tu dekat mak aku, sambil mak aku belek2 document tuh sambil tuh dia membebel, aku sabar lagi. Then sampai satu tahap aku rasa x boleh tahan. Aku terus cakap

'I don't need your help' then aku masuk terus dalam bilik. The rest is history...Sumpah tension. And sekarang ni, aku sangat2 regret for the things that I've said.

Aku selalunya, kalo orang marah dengan aku, aku kechewa, disappointed, tapi kali ni aku marah.

Macam aku tegur budak form2 then dia balas balik, aku x rasa marah, just kecewa
Ada budak pagi tolak aku, aku x marah, aku disappointed.
Aku orang yg x mudah marah. I can be disappointed easily. I look tough. But actually Im not. Im fragile. I don't know how to face tomorrow.

Oh,,,how I miss my sister. I need her now. Okay this is my 1st time posting while crying. I just can't wait for my sister to come back.




Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Jangan Tiru Aksi Saya!!!


Since the two weeks holiday, I tend to sleep late. So bila dah sekolah ni tido pon lambat lah jugak. Before 1am mmg betol2 x boleh tido. And,and,and cause I slept late, and woke at 6.30 and I was very tired. Need to attend the sukan thingy,memang penat =.=' so once I stepped inside my house, terus tidur! then woke at 12pm. and till now (current time 5.08 am) Im still in front of this lappy. X ngantok pon. Solat, buat hw then download lagu, blogging then tido! kayy after I finish downloading songs, I'll go straight to my beddy :)

x sabar nak ke katil yang empoook nih :)

Owh, I watched Mblaq's Sesame Player too. Last episode :( and season2 Infinite punya pulak. It's time to get to know Infinite pulak then. Aku kenal Mblaq pon sebab tengok Sesame Player and I might consider myself as an 'A-Plus' -fan name for Mblaq. (: and oh! masa Sesame Player, aku tengok sebenarnya, Mir tuh leader, then Seungho minx jadi leader sebab Seungho is the oldest. Then Mir jadi innocent maknae.. (: ah don't care, i hate seungho, he's arrogant :p

meet my bias from Mblaq, MIR! bang cheul yong :D *the left picture was taken when he was little. I laughed when I knew that he was MIR! :) and he's grown to be a handsome man now :D

Owh, esok ada France Exam too. Hope I'll do well. Masa test yg dengar2 tuh, mmg ssh. X expect ap2 pon yg org tuh ckp =.=' and now,korang faham x ap yg aku cakap?mesti x faham kan?ap lah kejadah 'test dengar2' tuh lol :p

Mblaq new album :) keluar 20/8

And,and I love to play at Google too, dia buat a sun untuk lunar eclipse punya. Cantik! before this diorg letak guitar. :) menambahkan semangat aku untuk Googl-ing

Till then



Saturday, June 4, 2011

Buruk lahh


Okay,since yesterday I've been worrying bout my banner >.< I just need some feed backs from you guys. I think its ugly.

He's still cute even with his worried face :D
Nampak semak kan?

Bila aku puas hati dgn banner aku,baru aku nak edit blog nih. Letak lagu2 gadget2.

Neway,I slept at 7am this morning. And woke 9 hours later. So pandai2 lah kira. Nasib baik x terlajak Zohor >.<

Terlajak perahu boleh diundur
Terlajak solat tidak boleh diundur :D

Stop worrying...oh yeah!


Friday, June 3, 2011



Tadi kan,masa aku tgh buat banner untuk blog nih,,,tiba2 jhe Google Chrome nih not responding. Then terpaksan tutup. Dah lah aku buat dari pukul 1-3! Padan muka blog nih,kne amik banner yg buruk dkt atas tuh!

Sabor jhe aku dgn laptop nih

x de LOVE2,tgh marah+taching nih


Hye Birthday Ngali and Ngaciks

Salam peeps :D

Harini Birthday both of my sisters. Sorang jauh nun dekat sena,tengah study maybe. All the best. And lagi sorang minah tu tengah main Internet sblah aku.

Nothing special pon harini. haha. Birthday kakak aku,aku keluar dgn kawan aku.

Hurm. Semalam pukul 12 aku sang 'Happy Birthday' song dekat dia while holding Tomeh. Tomeh masa tuh tgh shiver. Menggeletar! Sbb kak cik bukak air-cond kuat sgt =.='. Eh!Asai aku x buat vid ek?boleh aku post >.<
Ni haa. Pics yg sudah berkurun lamanya. Ok sebenarnya Ngali bg aku pics nih untuk our family blog. hihi. Yea. We have family blog. Only family je boleh access blog tu. Anda ad ke?haha.Main2 je XD

few yrs ago. Penang. When I was 11 kot XD
Place:unknown. My mummeh and Kak Li

Place:unknown.somewhr in someone's house.

Okay.memory menyingkap di minada XD. Skema pulak

Till then



3rd mini Reunion


haha,nnti aku upload lagi pics yer :D

hihi,tadi buat reunion dekat JJ. Aku,Faie,Noraini and Amira. Sumpah diorg semua dah tinggi =.=' . Aku jhe yang ketinggalan. Kitorang tgk Kunfu Panda2. twee-de ie 3D. best.seronok.

and,ada budak belakang kerusi kitorang sgt2 comel :D dia tnye mak dia
'is it Po?'
and banyak lagi hihi...

Owh...masa tengah beli tiket terjumpa Niesa,Lisa and kawang2 dia. Diorang tgk Kewrucks XD

and lpeas tuh makan. sembang2. jalan2. then Noraini balik dulu sbb dia byk homework kot. X kerja lagi pon tp kerja mcm perdana menteghi. haaha

Then kitorang jln2. Main2. Pergi McD. Sembang2. Then balik.

Lepas balik. Pergi Secret Recipe. Beli kek kak cik. Then pergi Old Town. Makan. :D

Lepas perut kembung,,,balik rumah :D

Balik rumah,tlg mama gerdening :(

Neway,disebalik kehappines aku...ermmm,,asai ARINA,ASNA,FATIHAH x de? Sedih sangat. Kitorang semua mcm berpecah. Aku tgk kakak aku n kawan dia mse skolah rndh pon berpecah. Aku x nak kitorang jd cam tuh. Yup!diorang dtg dengan alasan yg kukuh

Arinot: Dekat Taiping. x kan nak dtg ipoh kot. lagipon aku bgtau dia pasai mini-R ni sehari sblm mini-R kot XD haha
Asnot: erm,,,dia ada mak tiri.bila kitorang tnye asai x boleh dia ckp 'adalah...' so aku tau keadaan dia :( *nsib baik aku xde ayah tiri,tp kalo ad tp dia baik cmne ek? xp
Fatihot: Dia kena jg opah dia sbb x de org nk jg opah dia

erm,pekate kita lps ni buat R dkt rumah asnaa?hihi...kot2 mak tiri dia x bg jugak =.=' x pela. masa dah kahwin nnti lah buat R. lagi gempak kot. :DDD

Neway I love you Guys. We were the perfect 6! *and I hope we can change the 'were' word to 'are'. WE ARE THE PERFECT SI6. hihi. 4N1H1Q. 4nots1hot1qot.

so,aku dah buat plan. Untuk reunion lepas ni pulak, aku suruh boypren aku amik Arina guna helicopter. And Asna,aku akan jmpe mak tiri dia, melutut then minx izin bg dia keluar *haha,mcm lelaki minx minang tuh XD and untuk Thea pulak,aku srh boypren aku yg jaga opah dia XD (ni cuma angan2 XD besides I don't have a boypren,and I don't want to)

masa Pameran Kerjaya,semua org dgr cakap Waini je.haha

semua org teruja dgn kakak Noraini and Afnie..erm,,,ye ker?

Kakak2 Pameran Kerjaya xD

Faie dr dulu x ubah2 pasai makanan dia.HAHA

and...the last one *owh,gmbr kat ats ni semua org tgh berlakon :D

Neway,aku nak mengaku nih,semalam aku sumpah awkward dgn deme. Awkward silent pulak tuh =.=' haha

Okay newaini n amira moge2 berjaye di mrsm yerrr :D